As soon as I stepped foot in Tokyo in 2008, I knew I had caught the travelling bug. I decided I didn't just want to travel I wanted to experience the world! The different cultures, the people, the sites and most importantly (to me) the food!

Recently I have started to develop an interest in photography and hope to improve my skills while doing what I love most.

Welcome to my journey........

Friday 6 January 2012

Dongbu Jeli Hospital

Whatever you do, don't go for your medical test at the above hospital! Seriously me and my friend both went here and we both had problems. I won't go in to their problem as it is not mine to share. But I will tell you about how they treated me.

I went to collect my results last Thursday without a co-teacher as all I had to do was collect them. As if it would be that easy..... When I arrived the big-scary-Miss-Trucebull-from-Matilda-look-alike seemed to be angry. She made said someone to one of the younger nurses who then turned to me and signalled a phone and she muttered 'Korean'. So I called my co-worker (who is not my co-teacher but was kind enough to take me for my medical) and the scary woman started shouting at her down the phone. She told my co-worker that there was a problem with my urine results and that was all she said and she gave me a small piece of paper to show my co-worker. Of course, I naturally was upset as I just took a medical for a bunch of diseases and was told there was a problem. So when my friend asked me what was wrong my eyes teared up. At this point, scary man nurse, started shouting 'Why? why'. Prehaps because your a bitch.....

When my co-worker saw the piece of paper in was in doctor terms with no explation for normal folk. She couldn't even read the handwriting. So we called the hospital up and all they said was it was a simple problem with a few treatments it could be treated. We asked for more information as I thought I could get it sorted when I go back to the UK but they wouldn't tell us nothing.

Anyways today I went to the hospital with my kind co-worker and I saw a really nice doctor. She told me that my urine contains something that means I was either dehydrated at the time of the test or I have diabetes. She seemed confused why the other hospital had not re-tested me. And considering on the day of the test I wasn't allowed to drink all day they should of realised I was dehydrated. The test took 2 minutes literally and they told me I was fine. The doctor was so nice and I think she sensed how worried I was after a week of trying to get information off Dongbu hospital.

End of rant ><

Winter camp 2011/12

My winter camp has finished!! I still have to do 1 more week teaching low level students but I can rest easy for now ^^. I actually enjoyed winter camp but I was shattered every day. I don't know if it was the cold or just the pace of the camp that made me so tired but I literally passed out eveyday when I came home ><.

For my winter camp I did History. I taught students about the Aztecs, Egyptians, Victorians, Medieval Europe and Pirates. I was going to do Witches but our schedule was cut short. For each of the subjects we learnt vocabulary relating to the subject. I also showed the videos with a small quiz. We also did some crafts. For Aztecs, we made a calendar. For Egyptians, they wrote their name in hieroglypics. I taught student cursive writing for Victorians and for Pirates we had a treasure hunt. The big one was Medieval Europe they made jesters but then in their teams they had to make castle. It took over 2 40minute lessons. The first lesson they learnt the different parts of the castle and then they started building. It was crazy! Sticky tape everywhere!!


On Monday, we took the students to Seoul land. They first went sleighing down this massive slope! I haven't been for years so my first time I forgot to use my feet to guide myself so I ended up covered in snow!!!! >< The students kept making us teachers go up again and again until we were all dead -_- haha. After lunch the students could go on 3 rides each (teachers unlimited haha). We went on one ride with the most funniest student ever (he just changed his name from Tom to Mr. J)! Even though it was a baby ride he kept screaming everytime it moved. My co-worker was in tears of laughter by the end. I ended up eating too much junk food with the kids haha.

how to use a toliet

Sunday 1 January 2012

Happy New Year!!

It's finally 2012! The world is going to end... haha ....only joking....(I hope :p).

Last night, I had a mini party with two of my friends who I have known since I arrived here. We all got merry on sangria punch and watched movies (well we never actually watched the movies as we were all busy chatting). We ended up watching 80s & 90s pop videos haha.

One of my friends brought sparklers and I got some party poppers! So we went a bit crazy at midnight!! Luckly I only have one neighbour and she doesn't go to bed until 4! We ended up going to bed at 3.30! We all had red eyes by this point!

Anyways, I just want to say 'Happy new year to all my friends wherever you are in the world! I hope this year brings you lots of luck and your hangover isn't too bad today! haha'