As soon as I stepped foot in Tokyo in 2008, I knew I had caught the travelling bug. I decided I didn't just want to travel I wanted to experience the world! The different cultures, the people, the sites and most importantly (to me) the food!

Recently I have started to develop an interest in photography and hope to improve my skills while doing what I love most.

Welcome to my journey........

Monday 28 February 2011

Day 7 Orientation

Today was just lessons, lessons and lessons! I also tried kimchi soup for the first time. Sooo spicy (and I was told it was mild compared to normal kimchi soup)!! Everyone was so tired by this point I doubt anyone remembered anything in the lectures.  After lectures we had to prepare for our lesson presentation. Me and my partner stayed up to 9.30pm finishing the lesson plan and PowerPoint slideshow. After that I packed my large suitcase, keeping out what was needed for the following two days, and practiced my part in the lesson presentation.

Sunday 27 February 2011

Day 4 and 5 of Orientation

The last two days I have had lecture after lecture after lecture…. They have been useful but some contradict each other. I’m not going to bore you with details about my lecture so I’ll keep this entry short and sweet.  In fact, it might be very short as I went out for a ‘few’ drinks last night and can’t remember much. Friday and Saturday were packed, so much so, I forgot which day it was a few times.
Anyways….Friday – Start at 9pm and have 4 lectures and Korean class until 8.15pm.  I went out with some people from my class and class 4 for a few drinks. The bar had the best drinks ever!! 5,500 won and it was like a strawberry vodka slush puppy!!  Amazing!! Some of the guys had an arm wrestling match with a Korean girl. Guess who won???? The Korean girl kicked everyone’s butt!

Saturday – Same as Friday L After classes I went out with some really cool people from my class. I was talking to them through lunch and I’ve never laughed so hard!  The drinks menu was in Korean so I just pointed at any drink and ended up with a double vodka with a splash of coke! Don’t worry mum I ordered more cola to put into it. Then I had the best cocktail ever (I pointed at some other girls drink at the end!) See the picture!! It was like a fruit drink with sugar on top! Yummy! Needless to say, I got a bit tipsy…

End of blog fact – American cookies at the convenience store – 6,500 won. Korean cookies – 1,000 won. It’s crazy!! Glad I’m sending myself a food package.

Day 6 Orientation

Woke up at 5.30 (I blame the sugar on my cocktails last night!) and couldn’t get back to sleep L Ended up going to breakfast instead of eating my 1,000 won cookies. Our cultural trip got cancelled due to the weather so we spent the day inside. We first dressed in traditional Korean clothes and then learnt how to do a Korean bow. I ended taking mine off early, due to nearly breaking my neck in it about 5 times. There were these two Korean children in traditional clothes. They were sooooo cute! ^-^ We got to try traditional Korean sweets during the break which included rice water. After the break we had to watch these longgggg videos about Korea. Some of them went on about Korean construction abroad, which had no relevance to anything.

 For lunch we went to a traditional Korean restaurant which was Jjimdak (boiled chicken in Soya sauce with glass noodles). It tasted soooo good but it was so hard to eat. The chopsticks were a more heavy metal than we have at the orientation cafeteria and you try eating chicken on the bone with chopsticks, impossible! >-<  We also had this guy at our table just staring at us while we ate and even asked for the bill whilst I was still eating!
In the afternoon we prepared our lesson plan then went to go watch Nanta . It was fantastic! We all laughed at the way through and the actors are so talented. I would watch it again in an instant. Plus, ladies, the men have 4994754948 packs! I have never seen so many muscles!
Lesson presentation in 1 day!! Arghhh

Friday 25 February 2011

Day 3 at Orientation

Sorry, this is a day late! I was busy last night!!
Woke up at 6.45 (getting later!) and realised there was no breakfast today as it was medical test day. No-one could eat or drink from after 9pm yesterday until after the test today.  Luckily I’m in class 1 so we were first to take the test.
 First we needed to give them a urine sample. Not an easy feat after not drinking for 12 hours. Then off to have our weight and height taken. Eye test, dental check and hearing test followed. Then off for a basic medical test where the doctor told everyone that they needed to exercise more. We had our blood pressure checked then had blood taken. I never knew I had so much blood in me! X-ray on a bus came last. Finally we could eat and drink!!! I had something which said bread but tasted like a victoria sponge cake and an orange juice.
After the medical test we had some free time so I joined a group of people and went to a cafĂ© for food!!! I had waffles and a green tea Frappuccino (I don’t know if this is spelt correctly). The Frappuccino was cold!!! It’s not warm here and I was looking forward to a nice hot drink >-< But you live and learn, and I’ve learnt Frappuccino’s are cold drinks.
Finally had a tablet for my bites and the swelling seems to be going down (still itchy). I’ve also realised that Korean food keeps you fuller for longer. Either that or the portions at the orientation are bigger than I’m used to (the plates are massive!!). So I’ve not snacked (except the waffle but I hadn’t eaten for 12 hours) since I’ve been here.
Lectures weren’t too bad. One of them was quite funny in fact, but I’m dreading tomorrow and Saturday as they will be full of lectures. The Korean lesson was hard!! My brain was a big mushy mess after but hopefully I can improve a bit more tomorrow. And finally…I did my lesson plan for Monday or Tuesday (Forgot) with my team member. We will probably have to go over once more before submitting it but we spend two hours on it until 10.30!! Anyways I’m off to have a shower! Bye!

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Day 2 at Orientation

Woke up at 5.30 due to jet lag and banging doors (seems I wasn’t the only one who wasn’t used to the time difference). Had breakfast which consisted of chicken salad and wedges….So weird. I then went for a walk outside the building with my roommate Kao. It was 9am so it was dead as nothing opens until 10am! First lesson at 10am covered what we will be doing for the next 10 days. Lunch was a mixture of Korean foods and we had our first taste of Kimchi. We also used those metal Korean chopsticks for the first time >-< And my hands all swollen so it makes it even harder! In fact my whole right arm and hand is swollen. Plus a finger on my left hand!
After lunch we had the opening ceremony with some high school boys playing the traditional drums (I don’t know the proper name for this…..). We had 2 lectures about Korean life and working for SMOE. We opened a bank account in between all this but all we had to do is write our name and sign. As Alexander the meerkat would say ‘Simples’.

Dongdaemun gate

Dongdaemun gate



Tonight, we walked around then caught the subway to somewhere else (I don’t know!! I’m new here!!). It was great seeing Seoul at night as it is much busier and brighter. I’m sure Seoul comes alive at night. Maybe they are all vampires?!?!

Tuesday 22 February 2011

6 meals, 9 bites and 24+ hours later...It's orientation day 1!!

I've finally arrived in Korea. Forgive me if this blog is messy but the room is spinning from the lack of sleep.

So my journey started at 8:00 yesterday morning. I woke up quite easily, which was surprising. I had breakfast (meal #1) and got ready to leave at 9am for Manchester airport. At the airport they wanted to know why I didn't have a return and then they didn't trust my visa!!! After all the drama I made it though to departures and waited and waited and waited. There was only 4 flights that day I swear! The place was dead. I had lunch (pizza #2) as they won't serve lunch on the plane as it was leaving at 2pm (I thought!)

Flight went on time (It must of been a quiet day) and I booked super seats for my flights. You know, the seats before the exit where you can put your seat back without worrying who is behide you. I shouldn't have bothered booking seats as the plane was as dead as the airport and only 1/4 of the seats were taken. I sat myself down and straight away I spotted it. The mosquito!! And it had it's eyes on me!! I thought I killed it about 5 times but I didn't as I started itiching and keep finding bites. This would be bad enough but my arm or leg sometimes swell up from the poison and I can't have tablets because I have a drug test on Thursday!! I had lunch and a sandwhich, why I don't know. (meals #3 & #4).

On a different note, Qatar has crap movies- FACT! I ended up watching a Chinese movie and a Korean movie as the western movies were so blooming rubbish.

Anyways...I got on to my second flight okay. DOHA airport is one big duty free shop and I had no Doha dollars or whatever the currency is.  Second flight had creepy old man who turned out to be creepy snoring old man as he snored for 90% of the flight. Now there is snoring and then there is whatever tht man was doing. Blowing a fog horn? I don't know but I could hear his piggy noises though my ear plus and he was 3 seats away from me!! By the way this flight was as dead as the last. I think I managed 1 hour of sleep but I don't remember...

Meals #5 & #6 eaten. How come all my starters taste like coleslaw?? :s

I finally made it to the airport alive and 1 stone heavier than when I left. I swear I'm not as young as I used to be. This journey took it out of me and I got a few more white hairs to prove it.

So here I am in Korea. I've just had my first shower... its a seat with a hose and there is fosted glass in between the showers. O yeah, and no where to put your clothes but the out side the showers and I am not getting naked in front of anyone!!!

My spell check isn't working with this internet so excuse me for the poor spelling but I'm tired!!

It's 8.30pm and I want my bed.... :( Night!

Monday 21 February 2011

Goodbye Stafford

With 17 hours left until my flight, I'm all packed and ready to go!! I said goodbye to my grandparents today which was the most sad I have felt so far.. :( My suitcases are by the door and I've checked in online. All I have to do is sleep and tomorrow morning I'm off to Manchester airport....I now have butterflies in my stomach!!

See everyone from EPIK in Korea and I'll keep everyone in Stafford updated! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ^-^

Tuesday 15 February 2011

1 week!

I can't believe I will be catching my plane in 7 days!! I've read it's snowing in South Korea at the moment. Noooooo!!! It's only just stopped snowing in Stafford! :(  I've prepared my winter coat and boots for the plane as it's going to be freezing over there. It also saves putting them in my suitcase, as I only have 23kg for my luggage!

On Saturday I said goodbye to my closest friends. I have to admit I was too drunk on Saturday to be sad/emotional, but now I'm starting to realise I won't see them for at least a year!! :( I'm going to miss them all so much! >-< If any of you fancy a holiday in Korea...... ;) I'm going to miss Lisa's hen nights (haha can't wait to see the pictures!), Lisa's wedding (remember Skype me!! :p I bet you will look beautiful) and Ella-rose and Eva growing up :( I just want to say thank you all for a great night out. I won't be having vodka jelly again anytime soon :p And thank you all for being such great friends.

I am determined to eat all of my favourite foods this week, especially food I know I won't find in Korea. These include Caribbean chicken, lasagna, cottage pie, English steak (the steak in Japan was from Australia and was sooo soft! I like chewy steak!) and chilli con carne. As you might of guessed, I really like food :p 

Things I have to do this week include:

  • Eat!!!
  • Get a haircut! (I haven't had my hair cut for ages so it's in really poor condition and I don't know when I will be able to find a English speaking hair dresser in Korea).
  • Say my final goodbyes :(
  • Eat!!
  • Finish my packing.
  • Finish packing my box of food (my mum will send it to me when I know my address in Korea).
  • Eat!!
  • Iron the clothes I will be wearing on the plane.
  • Double check I have everything!
So, apart from saving goodbye to everyone and eating more than the normal amount, I really don't have much to worry about for my final week in England. I've done 80% of my packing and everything has been booked. So scary! I can't believe I have been so organised.

6 days 19 hours and 30 minutes until my flight!!!!!

Saturday 12 February 2011

Packing List!

I'm off to Korea in 10 days so I thought I better start my packing. It's so crazy thinking of it...10 days until I leave for my new life in Korea....Well it's 9 days, 23 hours and 11 minutes according to my IPod countdown app.

I only need to finish my packing, have a haircut (very important!) and say goodbye to everyone. Half of me wants to next 10 days to hurry up and the other half is thinking everything is happening too fast!! Anyways on to the packing....

  • Deodorant! I've read on so many websites that Koreans don't smell when they sweat so they don't sell deodorant over there... WTF!! It's so not fair! Not only are they the most beautiful, slimmest people in the world but they never smell! I'm taking about 8 deodorant sticks with me so I won't be the smelly English girl. I normally only get through about 1/4 of this amount but it's suppose to be really humid out there in the summer.
  • Chocolate - To get me through my first month before my food parcel arrives! (Ignore the picture I ate this before the end of the week and it did not taste good! Back to galaxy for me.)
  • My £2 crocs - Oh yeah! Sexy.....Not!! But for £2 who am I to argue. You can't wear outdoor shoes inside!! It's a big no no! So I thought why not if everyone else in the school is going to be wearing similar shoes. If I can't wear them in the school then I will use them as bathroom shoes (the bathrooms are supposed to be like wet rooms and no one likes wet socks!). Plus they are really comfy...

  • Suncream - I found it so hard to find in Japan. When I did find some it was in a small bottle and very runny. I am not taking any chances this time as I burn so easy and no-one likes a red face. If anyone knows about the suncream situation in Korea, please let me know :) Thanks!

  • Pictures of family and friends - To help with homesickness. Also bring little things to help make your apartment feel more like home.

  • Foundation - I am very pale but I heard foundation in Korea is very very pale.  I have brought enough to last me for a few months, if it's as pale as the rumors say it is, I will get my mum to send me some over. 

  • The rough guide to Korea - A great book with advice on what to see and what to do. + Korean phrase books.

  • Stickers and Stamps for the kids - I think I brought too much but at least I won't have to worry about running out...

  • For women only - Bras - Anything larger than a B cup and I read you might have a problem. Sadly this isn't the case for me *cough *cough :( But even if you are on the petite size (yes, I said petite not small!) you may still have problems with the fitting. When I was in Japan I found the bras uncomfortable. I would advise bringing a lot of bras.

  • A good fluffy towel. 

  • Work clothes/ Casual clothes.

  • Documents needed by EPIK - TEFL certificate, passport photos etc.

  • Gifts for your co-teacher, vice principal and principal - I just brought chocolates because English chocolates are yummy!!

  • Camera - You don't want to miss a moment of your experience.

  • Hairstrightners - An important one for me as my more humid the weather gets, the more frizzy my hair gets.

I've read that it's hard to find certain spices in Korea so I've prepared a box to be sent over with spices and my sauces. I also added some chocolate as nothing beats English chocolate <3 Yum!

Only 9 days, 22 hours and 6 minutes to go......