As soon as I stepped foot in Tokyo in 2008, I knew I had caught the travelling bug. I decided I didn't just want to travel I wanted to experience the world! The different cultures, the people, the sites and most importantly (to me) the food!

Recently I have started to develop an interest in photography and hope to improve my skills while doing what I love most.

Welcome to my journey........

Sunday 1 May 2011

Just like magic!

This weekend I decided to treat myself to a magic straight perm. The straight perms are really popular in Korea as they make your hair look smooth and shiny. My hair is naturally big and wavy. Think Hermione from the first Harry Potter film mixed with afro Scooby Doo!

My long lost siblings?

For years I have had to use straightners, which takes about 30 minutes, or put my hair in a tight bun. I think I have a weird shaped head so I feel I look like an alien when I have my hair up in a bun.

Just off to work!!

Now, I had heard good things about 'Hair and Joy' in Hongdae. Most of the stylist have worked in London and trained at Toni and Guy. Also, it's where all us waygooks go, so they know how a thing or two about western hair. The last haircut I had here, the guy razored half my hair away (I only asked for an inch off). So on Saturday off I went for my hour journey to the hair dressers.

The perm was weird. First they washed my hair then they put the perm on the roots. They then put cling film on my head and left me. I had my hair washed again, straightened, put perm all over my head again (I thought they had finished when they straightened it! Got a nasty shock!) and they did the cling film thing again. I then had my last wash, cut and straighten. It took 2.5hours and the cost was £85 (£65-70 for the perm).

Now, I couldn't wash my hair for two days after, which was difficult as she put loads of oil serum on it -_- I also had to sleep on my back ( that's why I look tired on my picture). Now I finally washed it today and yes my hair looks smoother and straighter, but I expected it more straight. The picture above is before I washed it. Now it seems to flick out one side (maybe I turned in my sleep). I don't want to straighten it, as it might damage my hair more (I have burnt ends from the perm even after she trimmed it!). It is good being able to get out of bed without doing anything to my hair but I miss my curls already. You always miss what you can't have......

I'll keep you updated on the hairy situation :P

P.s. Sorry for spelling errors but spell check on ths website doesn't work in Korea (just like uploading videos on youtube) and my keybord is tiny!!


  1. Hi there,
    is there a process called volume perm in korea?
    Also, do you recommend Hair and Joy?

    i'm visiting korea next week and would like to get a haircut / overhaul to the hair.. hahaha..


  2. Hi, I got the magic volume perm. At first my hair was flat but after 2 washes the roots have lifted so it looks more natural. Hair and joy are good. They are more expensive than most here, but they have trained at top western hairdresses so they won't leave it on too long etc.
