As soon as I stepped foot in Tokyo in 2008, I knew I had caught the travelling bug. I decided I didn't just want to travel I wanted to experience the world! The different cultures, the people, the sites and most importantly (to me) the food!

Recently I have started to develop an interest in photography and hope to improve my skills while doing what I love most.

Welcome to my journey........

Sunday 26 September 2010

EPIK Application

I finally finished my application form for SMOE/EPIK and got it approved by my agency, footprints recruiting. It took me 7-8 hours without lunch to complete as I kept changing my lesson plan for the SMOE application and then my agency sent it back 3 times, as I forgot some details. I don't know if I'll get an interview or get accepted as I heard Korea prefers the North American accent and my accent is a mixture of Stoke/Wolverhampton dialect. When I went to Japan they expected me to speak the Queens English but only 5% of the population of England speak the Queens English!! I can only speak clearly on the phone, if I get an interview, and pray! Fingers Crossed!! If I don't get a job with EPIK I will apply for private schools so I am not worrying too much but I would prefer to work for EPIK.

At the moment I am trying to learn some Korean so I can communicate with the locals when I go to Korea. I am not a great language learner, nothing seems to go into my head and I get bored easy, but I will try my best. I have just ordered Pimsleurs Korean beginner 1 so I am waiting for that to arrive. At the moment I am sticking post-its to everything and reading a book about Korean Grammar (I am on page 3 and my head already hurts!).


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