As soon as I stepped foot in Tokyo in 2008, I knew I had caught the travelling bug. I decided I didn't just want to travel I wanted to experience the world! The different cultures, the people, the sites and most importantly (to me) the food!

Recently I have started to develop an interest in photography and hope to improve my skills while doing what I love most.

Welcome to my journey........

Sunday 12 June 2011

Dr fish.

Yesterday I did something that I’ve wanted to do since coming to Korea. In fact I’ve wanted to do it since I saw it on TV ages ago in the UK. The Dr fish! These little fish nibble the dead skin away on your feet. There are two sizes and I’m happy to say we chose the smaller size.

 We hopped on the train to Myeongdong. Have I mentioned how much I hate Myeondong on a Saturday? So going there two weeks in a row was pure torture for me!! The place was so crowded! I should have got a picture. Maybe next time……. (if I am forced to go again on a Saturday……).

On our journey to finding the fish we popped into some stores. TONYMOLY was having a 30% sale so of course I had to go and have a look. I actually needed to go anyways. In Korea you get a dozen free samples whenever you buy something and I happened to like one of them. I also discovered this amazing peeling mist. I shall do a review blog of my new products ^-^

After, what seemed forever we made it! We had to wash our feet first then we put our feet into the pool of fish. It was a strange feeling. It was like someone was slightly tickling your feet. Melissa is ticklish so she kept moving her feet and got told off!! :P mwhahaha. We just sat there for ages just watching these fish eat our feet. They seemed to love me! Though I didn’t move haha :P

I actually didn’t notice much difference and they didn’t seem to eat where I considered the dry parts of my feet. My peeling mist did a better job later on. I think you would have to go about 10 times to see any difference (50 for my mum!).

After, we went to the Lotte department store. I always feel like I shouldn’t be there and I am making the place look dirty. We looked at the makeup counters and I treated myself to some fancy lip gloss and mascara.  Oh yeah!! I’m living the high life haha.

We then went to an Arabian restaurant. The place was really cool and was decorated throughout. I kind of wish I used the toilets now to see if they continued the theme there too! We had curry!! Yes my first proper curry in months! I ate until I couldn’t move!  We also had na’an which was so good and mine tasted like garlic bread (minus the sugar they put on garlic bread here!)

All in all today I hate my feet eaten and I spent far too much

I'm sorry. I don't know where the Dr fish is, as we walked around for a hour and just happened to find it. I think it's easiest to go from exit 6 and it's near the cat cafe ^^


  1. I found this post searching for "Dr. Fish-Myeongdong". No one seems to know where the Myeongdong one is located so could you let me know what it is next to/above/some sort of landmark? Thanks!

  2. I'd like to know where it is too! Help!
