As soon as I stepped foot in Tokyo in 2008, I knew I had caught the travelling bug. I decided I didn't just want to travel I wanted to experience the world! The different cultures, the people, the sites and most importantly (to me) the food!

Recently I have started to develop an interest in photography and hope to improve my skills while doing what I love most.

Welcome to my journey........

Wednesday 17 August 2011


I’m sick…… the cold that has been creeping up on me for weeks has finally decided to pop up. I feel it’s only to get worse -_- I’m a bad sick person as I mentioned before as I feel sorry for myself and I want no-one near me.

Well it’s only popped up in the last hour so today I was fine and I went to do tourist stuff like take photos and buy gifts (for myself mwhahahaha).

So I slept in today (though my body naturally woke up at 8am god dammit!) I left my hotel and walked to ‘the Bund’. Big mistake in my new sandals! Oh how they rubbed!! I have two blisters to show for it. So I took photos at the bund and took photos for people in exchange for taking mine. Though they didn’t mention my hair looked like something out of ‘There’s something about Mary’.



I caught the subway back to my hotel (one stop) due to blisters and I the fact that I forgot to put sun cream on. After getting changed (I have never sweat so much! I am sweating from places I didn’t know you could sweat from!) I went to ‘Old town’. I have never got so lost. I was looking at my ipod (thank you lonely planet eBook maps) and nothing was where it was supposed to be. I couldn’t even find the bloody tourist centre. I did happen to just come across 3 places I was looking for by chance. The first was maybe ‘old street…’ , the second was Yu’yuan gardens and the third was a traditional tea shop/café.
Tea house

Old town

I brought so much in old street. I am dreading looking at my bank statement….. It was so busy but in a good way.
In the afternoon I went to Shanghai museum. Some girl wanted to take a picture with me which was weird, so I declined. Instead I offered to take a picture of her and her friends together. I am feeling very big headed here. I have been told three times now that I look twenty! Mwhahaha. In Korean people can tell my age but here I am young. I am seriously considering moving here now haha. Plus no one seems as obsessed with beauty here as they are in Korea. Women seem more relaxed.

I came back to the hotel and decided to treat myself to a foot massage. I even got a foot scrub and they got rid of all the dead skin on the soles of my feet (poor guy though I think he punished me during the massage). The massage was a fiver and the scrub was 2 quid. I will be back for more….

Dinner was awkward as I was the only one in the hotel restaurant. How late to people eat?! It was nearly 6pm!!!!!
Now going to eat chocolate to make myself feel better.

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