As soon as I stepped foot in Tokyo in 2008, I knew I had caught the travelling bug. I decided I didn't just want to travel I wanted to experience the world! The different cultures, the people, the sites and most importantly (to me) the food!

Recently I have started to develop an interest in photography and hope to improve my skills while doing what I love most.

Welcome to my journey........

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Baseball game - Lotte vs Doosan

Lotte vs Doosan

My co-teacher wanted me to experience a Korean baseball game so she booked us some tickets to a game with her favourite team, Lotte. We went straight after school with my co teacher wearing her Lotte uniform haha ^^. Outside the stadium was packed. there were couples wearing the same uniform, work groups meeting in full uniforms, babies in their favorite teams uniform etc. It was a really good atmosphere. I got a giant Lotte hand which said stop on the side. We met Oksu's friends and got some beer and chicken.

Outside the stadium

Inside the stadium was massive. Rows of fans in white (Doosan) and orange (Lotte). We were quite high up so we got a good view of the pitch. We missed about 30 minutes of the game as Oksu's friend didn't not finish work until late. But, I quickly got into the game (even though I don't understand the rules still!). The atmosphere of the Lotte fans is fantastic. They sang and cheered for three hours straight. If anything they got louder throughout the game! It was great!! There was a MC guy who got the crowd going throughout the game and some dancers/cheerleaders.

During the second half we all got given orange bags which people tied to their heads. I was told this was only done by Lotte fans. These bags were also used to clean up after! Ace! ^^

We also ate our chicken and beer during the game (proper Korean style). Everywhere outside was chicken and beer stands.
The game finished around 9.45-10pm. OMG! The train was crowded. We had to wait for the second train but even then it was super busy (like London and Tokyo in rush hour). I am now an avid Lotte fan! Team Lotte!!! ^^

Baseball game



Lotte fans

Doosan team

Lotte MC guy

Lotte dancers

Plastic bag hats

Baseball game

Lotte fans

Stop! Hand.

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