As soon as I stepped foot in Tokyo in 2008, I knew I had caught the travelling bug. I decided I didn't just want to travel I wanted to experience the world! The different cultures, the people, the sites and most importantly (to me) the food!

Recently I have started to develop an interest in photography and hope to improve my skills while doing what I love most.

Welcome to my journey........

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Goodbye Orientation, Hello School!

Today is the day we left our bubble and went into the big wide world. Breakfast was empty because a lot of people went out drinking the night before and had hangovers (I know this because I heard them running and shouting until 1pm). We loaded our suitcases etc. on to the coaches. Then went to a lecture on Korean food customs, which wasn’t as useful as it may sound. I think they were just trying to burn time. We then had the closing ceremony which was a video with videos and pictures that the staff had filmed throughout the week. It was really good and we all got a copy on a cd (I have no cd drive but I’ll try and figure a way to put it on here). We had our last lunch which was packed due to 50 more teachers arriving (they couldn’t come to the main orientation due to lack of space). Finally we all said our goodbyes and got on separate buses L
After a short ride we arrived at a building where our teachers were waiting for us. At this point everyone’s faces were white and nervous looking. It was like the first day of school over again. Not all the co-teachers were there yet including my teacher, so we waited. I was waiting when I heard someone say roura cooper (r’s and l’s are difficult to pronounce for Koreans so my name is really hard to say). I turned around and there were two young women. At this point I calmed down a bit because previously I was worried I was going to get a man, a much older woman or even worse an older man. We greeted each other and got into the school bus. During the drive, I learned only one of the ladies was going to be my co-teacher. Her name was Mina and she was really friendly. I also discovered the area of the school is not well off but the government invest a lot of money in to the school. But most importantly I learnt I wasn’t going to my apartment first but to my school.
When we arrived at the school the van drove off with my suitcase etc. (I didn’t know where it was taking my things! In fact I didn’t know anything and I felt like a lost little lamb). We went to go greet the teachers and my principal. I gave them the gifts I prepared and got a shock when there was not just one but two vice-principals. I’m not joking when I say the school is big, in fact it’s huge. The teachers told me from the mountains it looks like a university. I was also told it was supposed to be a joint elementary and middle school but the middle school backed out. There are also 2 more English speaking teachers and they are getting one more in the summer (if you’re thinking of applying for SMOE August 2011 you might be at my school!).
After meeting the principal we had to go to the first teachers meeting of the year. I wasn’t the only new teacher; there were around 10 new members of staff. I was told I needed to introduce myself to everyone but luckily I had prepared for this during Korean classes at orientation. I said in Korean ‘Hello, It’s very nice to meet you. My name is Laura. I come from the UK. Thank you. Please take care of me’.  My principal gave me the thumbs up afterJ. The meeting went on for so long (Maybe 30 minutes to an hour) and because it was in Korean I was just staring in to space.
At 5pm my co-teacher and the head of the English department then took me to my apartment. The apartment was really nice but there were a few problems or should I say a few missing items. These items included a bed, curtains, a TV and a microwave. Fear not my UK readers, I had a kettle ;). My co-teacher and boss made a few phone calls to find out what had happened. From what I can gather the last teacher left and the bed disappeared??? They told me maybe tomorrow or Friday I will get a bed and curtains. My boss asked me to stay at her house but I had been living out of a suitcase for a week and a half and just wanted my space. I told them if I could get a comforter (goes between you sheet and bed to keep you warm in the winter) and blanket I would be ok. They were both worried still but at the end they agreed.

My lifesaver
My boss told me she would take me out for some dinner so we went to a boiled pork restaurant (I don’t know the Korean names yet so forgive me!). The food was really good. It was a Korean style restaurant i.e. no shoes/sit on the floor. I discovered my boss had lived in Singapore as an English teacher and her best friend is British. Her English is of a top level and my co-teacher informed me that my boss has the highest level English certificate. My co-teacher speaks good English too. During the meal my co-teacher told me she had told her boyfriend about what had happened and he was going to pick us all up and take us to Homeplus (Tesco/Samsung shopping centre that sells everything). My co-teachers boyfriend drove us to Homeplus and I got a blanket/comforter/pillow. I also got some rice and breakfast for the next day. My boss brought me some thick tights as she was worried I would be cold at school (I told you everyone at my school is soooo nice!).
After helping me bring my things to my apartment, everyone said goodbye. By this time it was 9.30pm! Such a long day! O I forgot to mention that I was told I would start work the next day…..

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