As soon as I stepped foot in Tokyo in 2008, I knew I had caught the travelling bug. I decided I didn't just want to travel I wanted to experience the world! The different cultures, the people, the sites and most importantly (to me) the food!

Recently I have started to develop an interest in photography and hope to improve my skills while doing what I love most.

Welcome to my journey........

Friday 4 March 2011

Only 1 day until the weekend and sleep!!

I was really tired on my second day as I haven’t been able to rest since coming to Korea. My voice is still really bad and I have to keep telling the teachers my voice isn’t like this normally. The day went quite fast as it was a repeat of yesterday. I have two grades 5 and 6 and each class only sees me once a week, as they have reading and writing lessons with their homeroom teacher. My job is speaking and listening. I only have to prepare two lesson plans a week and use each lesson plan about 11 times each. This may sound easy but I don’t know their level yet. In fact I don’t know anything yet and feel I’ve been thrown in at the deep end. But I think in the long run this is for the best as I will learn through trial and error.
Lessons finished at 2:30 and I started my lesson plan by going online and trying to find an English translation of the textbook on the EPIK website. I finally found one but was worried as the first chapter is far easier than the rest of the book. I think I’ll ask my co-teacher on Monday…
Some teachers won’t start school until Monday!! So not fair!!
Went to Homeplus to get a spoon and chopsticks (thanks old teacher for leaving me with nothing!!) and discovered a knife and fork set! Yay! On the train journey I offered my seat to an adjumma (older woman, don’t know how to spell it!) and she randomly gave me some almonds and smiled. Little things like this make me love Korea even more! Everyone seems friendlier than in other big cities.
 I arrived home and started preparing dinner when I discovered my gas wasn’t working….. That was it, all the stress and lack of curtains (still not been delivered, I’m guessing I will get everything on Monday now?) got to me and I had a little weep. I think most of it was tiredness and not having time to breath between leaving England to now. During my mini crying session, I remembered in Japan you have to turn a knob to turn the gas so maybe it is the same in Korea?! I was right and felt silly for crying. Ate my first meal in my new apartment and watched ‘Sense and sensibility’ on my laptop. I better get the internet soon because I only have 6 movies on my laptop so I am going to be bored silly without a TV or internet.

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